
Crocs are bad for your health - even pediatricians over Crocs

Crocs are harmful to health

Love them or hate them, Crocs aren't going anywhere. The two American sailors wanted to create the perfect shoe for watercraft, and they bent the fashion icon that raises dust again and again. Since their appearance in 2002, there has been a fair amount of demand for them, and 300 million pairs sold later, they are again under fire. This time, pediatricians are coming after them.

Crocs, the popular plastic clogs, are the footwear equivalent of Michael Bay movies. Film critics who are in this case fashion critics, they tore them apart, and the people ransacked them. A case of a fashion phenomenon, which many people already had in their teeth, but this time it probably did the most comfortable footwear in the world, which is, among other things, the famous design museum (London Design Museum) included in the list of 50 shoes that changed the world, found more under attack by pediatricians. They didn't judge their looks, but theirs impact on health. And what did they find? Your legs to them despite believing otherwise in the long run they will not be grateful.

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Crocs have become a real fashion phenomenon.
Crocs have become a real fashion phenomenon.

When it comes to appearance, opinions about Crocs also differ among users, but when it comes to comfort and ease of maintenance, not to mention that water doesn't bother them at all, the opinions are unanimous and they all speak in favor of them plastic plinths, which are so ugly they are already beautiful. The verdict of pediatricians is as follows, and it will not please those who wear Crocs day and night. ”Unfortunately Crocs they are not suitable for all-day wear,” says the doctor Megan Leahy (Illinois Bone and Joint Institute), which recognizes them as providing support for the instep, a they do not offer heel protection, which can lead to toe deformity, calluses, tendon problems, ingrown toenails and corns. In doing so, pediatricians also pointed the finger at flip flops, which also do not offer stability and support to the heel. However, there are two types of people who stand to gain a lot from wearing Crocs. Orthopedist Alex Kor he says it's for those with swollen feet and ankles and people with high insteps, but he still doesn't recommend wearing them daily eight hours and more.

The perfect place for Crocs.
The perfect place for Crocs.

If you limit yourself to wearing them on the beach, on the boat, in the garden or by the pool, you won't have a problem. Only don't go on walks with them and children should not have them for playing in kindergarten, as orthopedists notice that they trip in them more often than usual. The same goes for adults.

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