
Aurora Borealis mug: a mug that conjures up the Northern Lights

A cup that changes color

There is rarely anything as magnificent as the Aurora Borealis or the northern lights, as we call one of the greatest spectacles that nature serves us. One such thing is the Aurora Borealis magic mug, which conjures up this natural phenomenon right in your kitchen while sipping a warm cup of coffee or tea. The colors of the cup are sensitive to heat and change upon contact with it.

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Aurora Borealis
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The magic cup Aurora Borealis us this wonderful natural phenomenon, which is otherwise visible only in two oval bands around the Earth's magnetic poles, conjures up a charm right at home. The symbolic connection of the coffee cup which changes color, and Northern Lights is otherwise as strong as Turkish coffee. Such as caffeine it penetrates our blood to burst with energy, namely the solar wind also penetrates the earth's magnetosphere, causing an unprecedented spectacle in the sky.

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Pour hot drink into a cup of Aurora Borealis and you'll have a better day in no time. You can order it on the website ThinkGeek.

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