
Cybertruck Off-Road Mode: now ready for any adventure

Software upgrade for Tesla Cybertruck

Photo: Tesla

Tesla has raised the bar again with a new software upgrade for its Cybertruck, which now includes outstanding off-road capabilities. Ready for wilderness adventures? Now is the time to try out the latest features that will turn your Cybertruck into a true off-road champion.

Tesla has unveiled the much-anticipated promised update for Cybertruck – Cybertruck Off-Road Mode, which brings three new driving modes designed to overcome different terrains. New driving modes include:

  1. Overland Mode: This mode provides consistent handling and better grip when driving on rocks, gravel, deep snow or sand. It is ideal for those who like to venture into hard-to-reach areas.
  2. Baja Fashion: It allows greater freedom in handling the vehicle with reduced stabilization assistance. The vehicle is thus more balanced and ready for demanding off-road adventures. 
  3. Trail Assist: This feature works like an off-road cruise control to help maintain a set speed in challenging terrain, allowing the driver to focus on steering. Excellent assistance on ascents and descents.
Photo: Tesla

In addition to these driving modes, there is an upgrade Cybertruck Off-Road Mode also includes differential lock, which allow better off-road performance for the twin-engine version. The Cyberbeast, a three-engine version of the Cybertruck, is equipped with a virtual rear locking differential that works whenever Overland mode is activated.

Photo: Tesla

It's here for camping fans CyberTent Mode, which automatically levels the suspension to allow for comfortable sleeping on a flat surface, and includes lighting and outlets that stay on for convenience while camping.

It is important to emphasize that this upgrade has not yet been included in the new models Cybertrucks, which have already been delivered to users. Tesla is known for improving its products after release with various software upgrades. This is a practice that the company uses for its cars, allowing owners of already delivered vehicles to receive new functionality and improvements as they become available.

Photo: Tesla


New software upgrade Cybertruck Off-Road Mode for the Tesla Cybertruck brings many improvements that make it an even more versatile and powerful off-road vehicle. Whether you're going on wild adventures or want to spend the night comfortably in nature, the Cybertruck now offers all the features you need for every terrain and situation. It's time to test out these new capabilities and discover just how far your Cybertruck can take you​​.

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