
Dan Brown's bestseller "Inferno" also in Slovenian

After Angels and Demons, Professor Langdon returns to Italy, this time to Florence.

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Dan Brown
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"Bright, shrewd, knowledgeable... Dan Brown is a master of the intellectual thriller" were written as a commentary on Brown's latest bestseller v to The Wall Street Journal. Truly a hit, as it breaks and exceeds all records. It was released in English a few months ago, in the first seven days its sales in all languages and versions, including electronic, have already exceeded The Da Vinci Code. Now the novel can also be read in Slovenian, it was published in Youth books in translation Nataša Müller.

Nine Circles, Seven Sins, and One Creepy Secret. "Seek and you shall find", are the words that echo in the professor's mind Robert Langdon, when he wakes up in a hospital in Florence (yes, after Angels and Demons, he returns to Italy again), with no idea how he got there. He is also haunted by an equally mysterious object in his jacket. He and a young doctor go on a run through Florence (also Venice and Istanbul), the goal is to prevent an epidemic of a virus that was created due to an overpopulated world. The key is hidden in the verses of Dante's Divine Comedy. "Every time humanity develops a new technology, it turns it into a weapon. If we are not careful, our world will look like Dante's Inferno. The most important message of the book is that we must be aware of the world around us and we must not be neutral in the face of a crisis of moral values." he said Dan Brown, when he traveled somewhere other than Florence in the summer for the presentation of the book.

Dan Brown - Inferno
Dan Brown - Inferno

For a feel, an excerpt from the introduction: High above this tormented world, I make one last request. Dear God, I pray that the world will remember my name, not the monstrous sinner, but the glorious savior that you know me to be. I pray that humanity will understand what a gift I have left it. My gift is the future. My gift is salvation. My present is Inferno. With that, I whisper amen... and take the last step, into the abyss.

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