
Dating Tips You'll Regret Not Knowing Before!

Photo: Aditya / Unsplash

There's a lot of dating advice out there. Consider only those in which you and your dignity come first.

Dating tips don't give you any special tactics or exact recipes for how to behave on dates. They encourage you to set boundaries and accept what you deserve.

1. Don't rationalize what you feel and don't push your feelings into patterns, frameworks, moral norms, because you will cause permanent emotional damage to yourself.

2. Face whatever you feel and if you have strong feelings for another person, don't hide them from them.

3. Don't change what you love about yourself, no matter how much the person you're seeing feels threatened by it. Be who you are and those who can't love you like that won't be in your life.

4. You are your project and therefore work on yourself, for yourself.


5. Be careful. Charisma can often be manipulation disguised as an attractive package. If you fall under the influence of such a person, your love will be unrequited.

6. Jealousy should not flatter you. This is not an expression of love, but a symptom of instability and insecurity, and it will not go away on its own. If the partner is jealous at first, it will be worse later. And it will break your heart and spirit. Is this person worth it?

7. If the relationship is in question from the beginning, let it go. If you have doubts at the beginning, it will only increase over time.

8. Don't play around. Ask yourself what is really going on, be honest with yourself and the other person and reveal your true face.


9. Don't be afraid of a broken heart. Fear a life where your heart will never be wounded. This may be the best thing that will happen to you, you build yourself up in breakups.

10. If you feel insecure and restless, find out what is wrong. If this anxiety constantly haunts you and you are not sure about your partner, know that discomfort will turn into stress, despair, contempt.

11. Pay attention to the way you kiss. Kissing is about relationship.

12. Don't be afraid to disagree and stand up for yourself. Use your voice.


13. There is no formula for a successful relationship. Love as you love.

14. The image of you as a couple can often overshadow the relationship with the real person – maybe you are in love with what you represent together and not with the person next to you. We all fall in love with our ego in some way. Just make sure you can overcome it.

15. If you feel that the person is neglecting you or diminishing your worth, walk away, if you don't lose yourself in this relationship.

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