
David Brown - Speedback GT - A dream of another time

Every now and then, the automotive world is surprised by a vehicle that is so different that it deserves its own place. The David Brown Speedback GT is a literal reincarnation of GT vehicles from the late 60s, in which the best of modern vehicles are hidden. The retro design reflects the manual skills and excellence of the old school of motoring. The Speedback GT is definitely different.

The spirit of the British GT's and legendary at first sight Jaguar XKR is with David Brown Speedback MrT got an excellent rincarnation, which embodies the zeitgeist of truly purebreds GT's. When you think about the GT lifestyle driver, then it is in the foreground country road, without specific destinations and that damned masculine hedonism of the beautiful. "Dolce far niente", as the Italians call it – that sweet idleness. That's how the style of Vinateg GT is above all an individual's statement that he lives in some other tik-tok sphere. Yes… it is! So damn different.

Dressed in vintage GT clothing, the David Brown Speedback GT is the eternal romantic.
Dressed in vintage GT clothing, the David Brown Speedback GT is the eternal romantic.

The concept is very simple! Why drive boring modern vehicle, if you can drive a technologically extremely advanced vehicle and relive the spirit at the same time GT's from the past. Or why maintain it "original", if you can have a modern vehicle that looks even better than the original. There are several reasons. Modern chassis technologies embedded in aluminum, 5 liter V8 engine with more than 500 horse powers. And we could go on and on. All modern electronics and driving sensations of a new vehicle. David Brown Speedback GT is really something completely different.

Of course Speedback GT you won't notice it on our streets for a while. It will be rare, so much so that its place in automotive history is certain legendary.

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