
Slovenian Food Day 2016 and a traditional Slovenian breakfast

Traditional Slovenian breakfast 2016

The Day of Slovenian Food 2016 will be held on November 18, the central event of which will be a traditional Slovenian breakfast. Slovenian Food Day reminds the public about the importance of supplying the population with quality food from the local environment, and special attention is also paid to the importance of movement and maintaining a clean environment. This year is the sixth year in a row. Will you also find a piece of bread with honey and butter on your plate, which you will wash down with milk?

Slovenian Food Day 2016 and traditional Slovenian breakfast will take place this year November 18, 2016 (since 2011, it has been celebrated every third Friday in November). You knew that more than half of Slovenian teenagers do not eat breakfast? Improper eating habits lead to health problems (obesity, diabetes...), and breakfast is an important piece in the mosaic of a healthy life.

It's time for bread, butter and honey.
It's time for bread, butter and honey.

Breakfast is energy for a new day, it is energy for body and brain. You should otherwise consume it daily three main meals and up to two snacks.

READ MORE: American breakfast is really dessert

Slovenian Food Day reminds the public about the importance of supplying the population with quality food food from the local environment and offers support to local growers and processors (annually, Slovenia imports almost two billion euros food and raw materials for food), the traditional Slovenian breakfast that is served on this day in many educational institutions, points out the importance of this meal for a healthy lifestyle and diet.

How many times a week do you have breakfast?
How many times a week do you have breakfast?

And what does a traditional Slovenian breakfast include? Honey, butter, milk, bread and an apple.

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