
Design surpluses 2014: awarding of awards by the Association of Designers of Slovenia

Photo: Jan Jamšek

This is the seventh time that the Association of Designers of Slovenia has been awarding the "Design Surplus" awards, awards for works submitted throughout the year, following a permanent, year-long call. Over the years, this recognition has developed into the highest recognition of the design profession in Slovenia.

An expert jury appointed by the Association of Designers of Slovenia selects the work of an author or a group of authors that represents a creative design surplus and thus a contribution to the development and enhancement of the visual culture of the environment in the various areas of design for which and in which the product works. This is one of the steps for the design profession to get the place it must have if it is to co-shape an economy that is capable of competing in the global market.

Awards ceremony of the Association of Designers of Slovenia. Photo: Jan Jamšek
Awards ceremony of the Association of Designers of Slovenia. Photo: Jan Jamšek

The areas of evaluation range from graphic, industrial and unique design, design of visual communications and design of interior and exterior equipment, spatial design, stage layouts and integrated multimedia solutions.

Awards ceremony of the Association of Designers of Slovenia. Photo: Jan Jamšek
Awards ceremony of the Association of Designers of Slovenia. Photo: Jan Jamšek

This year's award ceremony and exhibition is somewhat more modest than in previous years, as support from the Ministry of Culture has significantly decreased. Nevertheless, the DOS team of the "Design surplus" project, led by Peter Jamšek, with a great deal of awareness of the importance of this project and a great deal of volunteer work, and with the help of Cankarjev dom, carried out the project.

This year there is a jury "Design excess" Association of designers of Slovenia in composition:
Ksenija Baraga, Nataša Šušteršič, Jurij Dobrila, Marko Japelj and Peter Jamšek

selected and awarded by:
1 award "Design excess" and
4 awards "Good job" and
1 Lifetime Achievement Award

Awards mean excellent references and opportunities for further work, and all award winners receive a one-year membership fee of the Association of Designers of Slovenia for the following year. Awards are no longer financially rewarded this year, as no funds were approved for this purpose by the Ministry of Culture this year.

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