
Devialet Phantom Reactor: speaker with phantom sound forces

Devialet Phantom Reactor: speaker with phantom sound forces

The Devialet Phantom Reactor is a speaker to which the creators paid a lot of attention - the different, special appearance is obvious. Its sound is also said to be very rich. Thus, we got external aesthetics and internal quality in one.

It's good to have wireless speaker, so that, if necessary, s friends we forget, but we are often disappointed. When we talk a little more loudly, the music he plays, we hear no more. This will not be a problem if we think of a futuristic speaker Devialet Phantom Reactor, which also has in it enviable technology.

Devialet Phantom Reactor can boast of having two hermetically sealed subwoofers, and there is more on the side active speaker. Together they provide an output power that is light 600 or 900 W. A lot for such a small 'box'!

In terms of connectivity, there are two interfaces available Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in addition to the physical audio jack. Next year, the speaker will be able to work in couple, that it will still be available stereo sound.

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