
Did you know that married people cheat on Mondays!

Photo: Envato

Although many people think that the critical day of the week to cheat on a partner is Saturday, the weekend is actually much less dangerous than what we laymen think is the least likely moment for infidelity.

Believe it or not, that day is here Monday they wrote on the portal Illicit Meetings .

This is explained by the fact that Monday is the most difficult day for fidelity, since it comes after the weekend, during which the spouses spend most of their time together. The one who cheats neglects the lover this time.

Photo: Envato

Because of this, unfaithful persons can't wait for yes on the first working day, they make up for missed work. That the person they are cheating with can be redeemed with texts, calls, or even more often with a date in the middle of working hours, during their lunch break.

The authors of this information say that men apologize to women (wives) and vice versa, that they have the most work on Mondays because they rested too much during the weekend. This makes them predict that they will stay at work longer, which is not true and is just a perfect alibi to spend time with their lover/lover, confident that they are safe.

The next popular day and time for those who cheat is Friday between 9-10 p.m, just before the weekend, which they then spend with their family, waiting for Monday.

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