
Did you know that dogs understand when you say "I love you" to them?

Photo: envato

How many times a day do you tell your dog you love him? A new study has confirmed that our four-legged friends really do understand when you tell them you love them.

All of you who have dogs at home know how they are happy, when you get home, when the dog knows it's time for a walk, food. He expresses all this joy with his tail and squeals. But dog behavior experts have gone a step further and investigated what it excites dogs the most. In the research, they compared and measured their heart rate during everyday activities.

You probably already know that dogs do wonders for our physical and mental health. They help reduce stress levels, blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. But it turned out that it was similar magic experienced by our beloved four-legged friends if they we show love everyday.


Experts who study dog behavior conducted research to discover the true meaning of their licking, begging and barking, all of which pets do on a daily basis.

In the research they tested their heart rate according to the daily activities they do. They found that when a dog sees its owner, its heart rate increases by 10 percent. At the word I love you", and this increases by as much as 46 percent.

This is definitely the reason why four-legged friends also need to say the word - I love you - many times.

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