
Did you know that clutter in the house attracts bad luck? Clean your home according to the feng shui method!

Photo: Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels

No house is tidied up perfectly, every one is a little messy at least for a moment. This does not mean that people in it are lazy. Clutter is a temporary condition that is often conditioned by a lack of time. If there is a mess in your house, it's time to clean it up as soon as possible, because it attracts misfortune and trouble.

According to Feng Shui, clutter is the biggest enemy that causes fatigue, stress, depression and also various diseases.

Dust, cobwebs, untidy rooms, overflowing closets, scattered things around the home cause negative energy to accumulate in it.

Read what gives you problems in a certain space and why.

A mess in the hallway

You should always start from the hallway, because according to the rules of Feng Shui, this is the central highway of the house. Old shoes, clothes, umbrellas and many other things often create a "crowd" on this road. A mess in the hallway means that people in the house will constantly argue, that they will be short of money, and will want to leave as soon as possible. If you throw all the old shoes in the trash, put away jackets and umbrellas, you will clear the way for happiness and it can knock on your door.

A mess in the bathroom

They say that the bathroom is the face of the woman who lives in the house. And if it is in a mess - dirt on the tiles, cosmetics scattered on the sink, towels on the floor... This means that someone who lives in the house may have an inferiority complex. A bathroom that is happy with itself and its life will create self-confidence for the people in it. The way your bathroom is when you wake up in the morning is how you will be during the day.

The tidiness of the bathroom is reflected in your everyday life. Photo: Alesia Kozik


The more clutter there is in the toilet, the more secrets we have in our lives. A clean toilet means getting rid of accumulated anger and problems in life.

A mess in the kitchen

The kitchen is a source of abundance, energy and well-being, it is the heart of the house. How you feel depends on what you eat as well as the mood of the person who prepared the meal. If the kitchen is full of garbage, empty glasses, and the counter is full of unwashed dishes, do not be surprised that you cannot get rid of extra pounds. Clean the kitchen and well-being will enter your home. Both financially and emotionally. Food must be prepared in cleanliness, comfort, in the middle of light, and only then will it bring benefit, not harm.

Living room

It is the face of your home. It is responsible for communication, because other people see your life through it. A mess in the living room will cause quarrels, misunderstandings between you and relatives, friends... Such quarrels lead to loneliness, alienation and depression. Let the living room bring happiness and good people to your home. There should be as much light as possible in it.

A computer does not belong in the bedroom. Photo: MiYeoun Jun / Unsplash


This is the most intimate place in your home, where your personal happiness is built. Disorder in it can cause insomnia, quarrels with a loved one, problems in intimacy. Remove from the bedroom everything that is not directly related to sleep and intimacy. It does not include TV, computer, etc. The bedroom should radiate peace and quiet.

Throw away the things that you have been accumulating for years and years and especially the things that are suffocating you. Keep memories in your mind, not in things. What are you waiting for, say goodbye to clutter.

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