
Did you know that sitting on the toilet seat is bad for your health?

Did you know that sitting on the toilet seat is bad for your health?

It's not bacteria, but toilet bowls that we fear because they cause bowel problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, polyps, bowel cancer, painful swelling, and even Crohn's disease. All this is largely to blame for sitting on the toilet bowl, which is a modern invention, because for centuries people have performed the basic physiological need of the plug, which requires less effort and reduces the risk of problems with the digestive organ in the abdomen. But before you start digging up the bathroom, check how you can solve the problem of modern toilets in a more elegant way.

Did you know that sitting on the toilet bowl harm your health? Let's see why. If we look back in history, people have been emptying their bowels plugs, as little children still instinctively do when caught in great need. And although the level of hygiene then was not at the level of today, at that time the previously listed diseases were unknown. Hemorrhoids– go largely to the soul of sitting while pooping, as the position causes extra pressure on the anus and rectum, which leads to straining, which results in strain and golden veins. Pressing during a bowel movement only worsens the matter, so we go around in a vicious circle - and intestinal cancer they are modern diseases, largely related with modern toilets, more precisely with toilet bowls. Carrying out the great need to squat today really sounds lived-in and uncomfortable, but not one, but several studies speak in favor of the squatting posture, a posture that we have adopted and given to us. dictated by toilet bowls, are accused of being harmful to our health, as it brings many "western" diseases.

Our intestines are not designed to open the flaps completely when we sit.
Our intestines are not designed to fully open the flaps when we sit.

Why "Western"? Because scientists find that they are of this type intestinal problems reserved for developed countries, in the countries of the "third" world, where toilet bowls are not part of households, such health problems are almost unknown. The situation imposed on us by modern toilets is unnatural and one more proof that we have not learned much from history. Today's "Western" position Namely, it requires straining (up to three times more than squatting) and the use of membrane muscles during bowel movements, which is not present during squatting. When squatting, he is already alone the position of the work in favor of the body. The thighs press on the abdomen and thus help the digestive organ to move more easily empty more thoroughly. This results in a sitting position on the standard 41 cm tall shell he can't give, so our trips to the bathroom are more frequent due to the great need.

READ MORE: To sit or not to sit on the toilet bowl, that is the question here

In more scientific language, this matter sounds like this. The human intestine is designed to perform a large need in a squatting position, because then rectoanal angle, which is at the end of the anal canal, flattens outwards, which releases pressure on the buttocks and rectum (relax sphincter muscle– puborectalis) and thus makes it easier and more "deep" drainage. And just imagine how many more days in your life you would have if you adopted this position (on average, we pass three years our lives).

So young, but already "wrong" poo.
So young, but already "wrong" poo.

In favor of squatting defecating and "primitive" squatters many speak gastroenterologists, who made comparisons between people who pooped in modern toilets and those who defecated in squat toilets. The result is almost once faster and easier discharge for the benefit of those who defecated above the floor latrines. This proves that the key is in the position that the little ones so beautifully demonstrate to us children who instinctively squat when he finds them in great need. But just like many other things, adults, otherwise in good faith and a desire to be cultured, take this away from them over the years and teach them unhealthy sitting position, so that they otherwise tense up cutely. If you really want the best for your children, put a stick under their feet. Which is a solution for you too. You don't have to dig up the bathroom and replace the toilet bowl with a floor toilet, or even yes you climb on the shell. There are special ones Toilet rods (you can also think of your own) that enable us imitation of crouching and whose sole task is to ensure easier and healthier stool evacuation.

A squatting position will make it easier to regulate your body weight.
A squatting position will make it easier to regulate your body weight.

As you probably understood above, the squatting position is at the same time natural remedy for hemorrhoids, which disappear after a few weeks with this method of pooping, and it also helps in weight control. Since the sitting position does not allow the sphincter muscle to relax and it is consequently tightened, the intestines do not necessarily empty completely and the result can be cancer. We can also add to the long list of problems caused by this position incontinence, prostate problems and sluggish peristalsis, which leads to constipation, i.e. to abnormally rare and difficult defecation. Yes, it's not just sitting at a desk all day that's killing us. Even that, where the emperor still goes on foot, us. And we won't say that the modern toilet bowl is another unhealthy vice of the Western world, but it definitely is unhealthy habit.

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