
Did you know that social networking can be a tip in the balance when you're looking for a job?

Online engagement can hurt or benefit you

The power of social networks is much greater than you might think. Even so much that it can affect your employment! Today, it is not enough to impress a potential employer with a CV, you also need to shine with your online image, otherwise you may reject them. Today's recruiters not only carefully examine your references in your resume, but they will also search the Internet to get to know your "human" side, the less ironed version of who you are.

Social networks today they allow HR professionals to, in addition to your CVthey get better ones insight into the person the company plans to hire. That's why it's important, despite the apparent innocence of your posts and doings online, to sweep social media behind you before applying for a particular job, unless of course you think there's anything there that could earn you a black mark potential employer. This doesn't mean you should quickly shut down your profiles now, just keep in mind that your online actions can have consequences.

Spy on yourself.
Spy on yourself.

Yours engagement on social networks it can of course also be water to your mill if you know how to use it as a tool for networking and strengthening the public image. This holds water mainly because more and more employers are contacting potential candidates via social networks and not through the classic way of finding staff.

READ MORE: How to write a good resume - cv

Admittedly, they haven't become HR staff yet e-bounty hunters, which is why many employers look for employees through social networks, so make sure that follow the profiles of "viewed" companies. The following is for all active job seekers Maja Kališnik from the employment portal myEmployment.you are prepared tips on how to go about renovating and polishing your online image.

Google it for yourself

Check out what Uncle Google knows about you. What it finds after you enter your first and last name in the search box. This is the first thing a potential employer will do. Only later will he turn to social networks.

Delete anything you don't like

No one is perfect, so you've probably posted something that you regret today. If you come across something that could offend someone, it's better to delete it, and for the future, make sure to curb your emotions better, so that some nasty comment doesn't come back to you like a boomerang.

Close inactive user accounts

Most of us have many user accounts on different social networks, but few have the time to maintain them all. Therefore, shut up those who vegetate. An inactive account can be interpreted by the employer as the fact that you quickly lose interest in new things, which in translation means that you will quickly get tired of working for them.

Get a profile picture

The first impression is very important and it is difficult to wash away a bad image. This also applies to your profile picture, which will likely be the employer's first visual contact with you. It is not necessary for you to have a picture like on your personal document, but it is not recommended that it be explicit or silly. Make it as cute as possible.

Take care of your naming

No matter how funny you think your nickname is, keep in mind that the employer doesn't know you and they don't know your inside jokes. Your profile should have a normal name, otherwise you can leave the wrong impression. Save things like that for when you're firmly in the saddle.

"Draw the curtains"

Each social network has certain mechanisms that allow a certain level of privacy. Check how you leave the door to your profiles closed for outside observers, such as a potential employer. Make sure that certain photos and thoughts are reserved for the eyes of friends and family only and not visible to everyone. And how do you check how much you are revealing about yourself? View your profile offline.

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