
Did you know that the best people get the hardest tests in life? There is a reason why!

Life tests us every day. And for reasons unknown, each gets a different test.

Some struggle with complex equations, others with the basics of math. Either way, you have to deal with what you get. Genetics, place of birth, financial situation - you were given everything for reasons you may not understand.

No matter what situation your life is in right now, you decide whether you will be a victim or a survivor. You have complete control over whether your life will be sweet or sour. And those who want to make life sweet - they will survive - they are the strongest.

Swedish psychiatrist and author Elisabeth Kübler-Ross once stated: "The most beautiful and best people we know are those who have experienced defeat, faced suffering and loss, and fought every moment to find a way out of the darkest depths. These people know how to appreciate life, are sensitive and understanding towards others. Life gave them trials that filled them with compassion, kindness and deep empathy. Beautiful people are not born this way, life makes them this way.”

Kind people bring light to the world because they came out of darkness

In the world of darkness they were born into, they lit up the lives of others with their positivity. They are the ones who get "unfortunate tickets", such as poor family conditions or poverty. Not only did they learn how to succeed in life, they also learned how to get over bad things and rise above them. They pushed away their "crutches" and somehow achieved the impossible, they ran away and overtook others who had more luck and better circumstances. While some were given a set of beautiful colored pencils, they were given an ordinary, half-used pencil, with which they colored their lives more diversely and brilliantly than others.

Kind people bring light to the world because they came out of darkness.

Kind people love hard because they have been hurt the most

Those who have been hurt or cheated by their former partners will know how to love their future partner more. They know what it's like to have someone's heart broken and how to patch it up and fix it. They never indulge anyone with the experiences they have experienced themselves. Kind people have learned the hard way that personal flaws are opportunities for growth and development. They used to be pessimists. Over time, however, they realized that there is no growth from pessimism. They realized that every thing that was dragging them down like a weight was actually another step on the way to realizing their dreams.

Maybe it was living with an alcoholic that taught them empathy and patience to help addicts. Many therapists have learned in their early years how to connect with those who are suffering. In this way, friendly people build a path to success out of quicksand.

Kind people do not want others to suffer as they have suffered

Children can be very cruel and tease others because of freckles or pimples. People who know what it's like to be tortured and abused by someone don't want to inflict that kind of pain on others. The kindness and goodness in a man comes from the cruelty he has experienced. Instead of taking this aggression out on others, a kind person will break the vicious cycle and respond to the abuse with compliments.

Kind people do not want others to suffer as they have suffered.

Kind people help others survive and become better people

Such people can cope with any situation that life throws at them. They know they can survive anything because they have experience of survival. In the race of life, people usually look straight ahead and ignore other "runners". Friendly people encourage their friends, acquaintances, colleagues and family. They motivate others to run with them, sharing their imaginary water bottles and energy with everyone around them. They become people who are ready to do anything for others and help them when they are in trouble. The kind of people they didn't have by their side when they were at their worst.

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