
Fasting Diet - Different Tactics, Same Results?

You have probably seen in the media that diets that require fasting - giving up food - have been in vogue recently. Of course, you will ask me, but what is new here? After all, the point of diets is to give up a thousand and one sins. But these diets are still a little different - with them, we lose pounds by fasting (absolutely giving up food), and of course you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to make it clear to each of us that fasting makes you lose weight - even if you just lay in bed.

And how do these diets actually work? So let's start from the beginning - we have selected the main ones for you 3 diets with fasting, but they have a common theme – fast, logical!

The essence of all these diets is the assumption that this is not a diet, but a way of life, because this is how eating is supposed to be healthy and long term and should be easy to follow. It's not about starving all day long (for heaven's sake!), but you would still have an allotted time during the day when you should eat absolutely nothing - thus giving your body time to rest, process all the food it can we already have in the stomach, and prepares for a new feeding. So it's a bit more of a fact, WHEN will we eat?, and not so much for WHAT we will eat.

But to be clear - all three diets below advocate as natural, unprocessed food as possible with lots of fruits and vegetables.

READ MORE: What happens to our body when we eliminate sugar and alcohol from food for a month?

But how do they actually differ from each other? So let's see...

DIET 5:2 
Probably the most famous and popular is the so-called 5:2 diet. And what is its essence?

2 days during the week (say Tuesday and Thursday) should be fasted 5 days during the week they ate as usually. On the day we fast, women are supposed to eat up to 500 kilocalories and men up to 600 (bless them!). This is considered a fasting day.

You see, even while "fasting" you can eat - just less.

Fasting does not mean starvation.
Fasting does not mean starvation.

This diet is the simplest of the fasting diets. Choose any 5 hours a day, when you want to eat, don't eat the rest of the time. Just like beans (which of course you can only eat during a certain 5 hours!).

All that matters is that they should be consecutive hours - say from 12 noon to 5 pm, or if you are more of an evening eater, from 5 pm to 10 pm. It would probably be wise to note that the point is not to try to cram as much food as possible in these 5 hours, but to eat a normal meal (say lunch or dinner) and a snack.

And what should we eat the rest of the time? Sorry - nothing! Only non-caloric beverages such as water, unsweetened tea, non-caloric drinks without sugar and coffee without milk and sugar are allowed.

ADF stands for Alternate Day Fast - so, let's fast every other day!

Similar to the 5:2 diet, women can consume up to 500 kilocalories and men to 600, and the rest of the days we eat normally.

So it's the same concept as the 5:2 diet, only that with this diet it's every other day, while with that diet we only fast twice a week.

Diets That Are Law. Something like that, what!
Diets That Are Law. Something like that, what!

All these diets are very popular because they allow users to freedom – you can eat without any problems sweets, if only at the right time. You also don't have to avoid lunches or dinners - just plan them so that they don't coincide with your fasting time.

As the old philosopher said: "Instead of using medicine, we should fast!"

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