
Disappear Retreat: a secret corner in nature

Coulson is a company committed to sustainable development. At the same time, it also impresses with its unique design. With this belief, the employees created the Disappear Retreat: a glass abode in nature that will not disfigure the landscape.

Disappear Retreat is an innovative residence clad in reflective glass. It enables living in nature without interfering with it. It only occupies 7.7 square meters space. It also impresses with its own low weight and practicality, as it can be transported in an ordinary trailer.

They won't find you, will they?
They won't find you, will they?

Disappear Retreat will not harm the landscape as it does not use heating and cooling systems. It gathers all its energy from sunlight through solar cells, which can be seen on the south wall of the building. The mirror facade is intended to make the residence blend in with the external environment. The interior offers glass ceiling, which allows observing the night sky.

Disappear Retreat is all about rest and relaxation. Users will 'charge their batteries' while spending time in it.

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