
Throw away keys with inspirational words

The Giving Keys

The Giving Keys is more than the business idea of a second-rate Hollywood star, vintage jewelry and charity project. It is a positive story that brings vital hope to those who have long wandered in darkness.

It all started when she is an actress and singer Caitlin Crosby visited New York one day and spontaneously hung her hotel room key on a chain around her neck. At that moment, she got the idea that she could engrave inspirational words on old, discarded keys to create unusual jewelry. We are all vulnerable, occasionally scared, but unique, like these keys.

What followed was an encouragement among Caitlin's acquaintances to wear meaningful jewelry themselves and then pass it on to someone else as a life encouragement. Although sales were booming, Caitlin was missing that charitable note that would add even more meaning to the project. Then she met Rob and Cera, a homeless couple, and the vision was clear. They started helping her with the construction, and with the money they earned, they slowly started a new life. As Rob and Ceri were joined by other homeless people from the streets of Los Angeles, Caitlin connected with the organization United Way and the distinguished PATH transitional homes. Now the project The Giving Keys helps the homeless get a new life. Through jewelry making, they provide them with employment and financial support, help open a bank account, and thus eventually make it possible to stay in their own home.

No matter what, unique jewelry with inspiring messages of hope, strength, dreams and courage holds the key to reconnecting people and creating sincere bonds.

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