
TEDxLjubljana 2018: let's illuminate the (un)known

TEDxLjubljana 2018: let's illuminate the (un)known

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, we will witness TEDxLjubljana 2018 for the ninth year in a row, where speakers and participants will shed light on the (un)known. Enthusiasts will listen to ten speeches on various topics this year - ideas will shed light on the fields of laughter, microbiology, architecture, health, plants, suicide and the menstrual cycle, and you will also hear something about air quality and particle physics. New knowledge is waiting for you...

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TedxLjubljana 2018 will spread goodies for the ninth year in a row ideas. An event they have already hosted 130 speakers, this year will be held under a common slogan LET'S ILLUMINATE THE (UN)KNOWN.

From 16:00 in the Gallus Hall, you will be able to listen to ten speeches on various topics. The event will consist of two parts: first five speakers will present themselves, then it will follow a longer break in between, and the event will close with the remaining five speakers.

Ideas will illuminate areas this year laughter, microbiology, architecture and violence against children. The speakers will also advise, how to take care of your health, they will talk about the healing effects of plants, understanding suicide and the menstrual cycle. But they will also touch air quality and particle physics. After the event you will also be able to mingled with the speakers and organizers of TedxLjubljana 2018. Tickets are already in sales, this year, when you buy your ticket, you will immediately choose which contingent you will sit in.

The speakers will be revealed gradually, so the organizers urge you to follow theirs Facebook pages.

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