Do you wonder where you make mistakes in your partner relationships? Why did another of your relationships fail and if and when will you meet true love? What's to blame for still being single? Why did the connection fail?
A relationship breaks up, and you have already lost hope of meeting your soulmate and getting into a relationship with a future? Do you wonder why every new romance ends in failure? How to find happiness in love? Don't give up.
The reasons for a love shipwreck can be hidden within you and the people around you. It's not your fault, or other people's. Adaptation has its limits, as does tolerance.
Let's see what the problem is!
Is there a formula for the perfect relationship?
Know that not! So instead, first try to answer the question, what are you striving for in a relationship? It is important to be as honest as possible with yourself. Sometimes you may think that you are ready for a serious relationship or to start a family, but deep down you still want something completely different. For example, a relationship without commitment, just sex...
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash
Whatever it is, you shouldn't be afraid of your desires. Just define them precisely and have realistic expectations accordingly
Why didn't it work?
Sooner or later, every person usually realizes that he needs a stable and serious relationship in which, in addition to selfless love, there will also be understanding, support, friendship, agreement on important issues. Analyze the mistakes you made in previous relationships.
Observe the people around you who have stable relationships. Find in them the characteristics of a successful relationship and dealing with a partner. But remember, people are different and everyone needs an individual approach. If you find it difficult to solve the problem yourself, you can seek the help of a psychologist
Perception of the situation
Don't give up. You don't have to get attached to the person you just met, give yourself time to get to know them better.
You always try to be honest with yourself and your partner, you don't try to pretend to be something you're not.
No self-pity!
Grief is a very strong feeling and it is not something that can go away overnight, especially after a love breakup. A bigger problem arises when sadness is accompanied by self-pity, which at first brings relief, because it's easier to sacrifice yourself and think about how miserable you are than to pull yourself together and start changing. This is an opportunity to realize that no one is perfect.
Become wiser and analyze what is happening to you. Work on your confidence and self-awareness. This will make it easier for you to understand what you want and where you want to go, and to cut ties that do not fulfill you.