
DIY: how to recycle old CDs?

Do you still remember the days when we had shelves full of CDs with music, movies and "back-ups" of our important files? If you haven't thrown them away yet and don't know what to do with your old and now useless CDs, this recycling list we have prepared is perfect for you.

If we are "digital" and have already transferred all our music and movies to portable players and computers, or death metal is no longer as "cool" as it used to be, then it is time to we recycle old CDs. But to be creative, we've put together a list that includes everything from glamorous plates and mirrors to unique Christmas decorations for next Christmas. In the gallery we present to you some of the most innovative and best ways to recycle your old CDs.

READ MORE: DIY: Cute ideas for repurposing old sweaters

Check out the gallery for a variety of ways to recycle old CDs.

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