
Do this over the weekend and your Monday will start much better!

Do this over the weekend and your Monday will start much better!

Does it happen to you, too, that you have a sinking feeling in your stomach on Sunday, knowing that Monday is coming? In the article below, we present a trick that can help you avoid this unpleasant feeling at least to a certain extent - do it over the weekend and your Monday will start much better!

According to the the study three researchers from UCLA Anderson School of Management the way we spend our free time during the weekend can contribute to a better feeling during the week as well. So what is the recipe? Let's stop first at Frwith a sense of dread, which many people feel on Sunday night. It is the body's response to a perceived impending threat. So then we feel bad about it, because we expect, that something unpleasant will happen soon (i.e. Monday) and not because that moment is unpleasant for us (in all probability we are having a nice dinner with the family or we are on our way to the cinema).

Mondays give many people anxiety as early as Sunday evening.
Mondays give many people anxiety as early as Sunday evening.

Researchers have noticed that many Americans during weekends still working (or at least their minds are busy with work and the list of what's still waiting for them all), which prevents them from recharging their batteries and getting a good rest. In the study, the participants were divided into two groups and gave each one of the tasks. Participants in the first group were instructed to weekends are spent in style, as they spend their normal weekend. Participants in the second group were told to they spend the weekend, like having a vacation.

After the weekend, the participants had to solve questionnaire, which measures how happy an individual is. A group that had to spend their weekend as if they were on vacation, showed up for a happier one. So what is he like the lesson of this story? Try it during the weekend really take some time for yourself and those things/people, which make you especially happy. If the research is to be believed, yours will Monday at least a little less unpleasant (surely it will your life better).

It's hard to really rest that way.
It's hard to really rest that way.

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