
Never place your bed in this part of the bedroom because it affects your health

The position of the bed affects health and happiness

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why you wake up exhausted despite a long night's sleep? A small shift in your bed can open the door to better health and happiness?

Enter the world of Feng Shui, where every arrangement - including the bed - counts and where your bed is more than just a place to sleep - is your energy portal.

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging living spaces, emphasizes how important the position of the bed can be to balance the energies in the bedroom. According to this philosophy incorrect placement bed not only leads to restless sleep, but can lead to wider disturbances in domestic and personal life. Following these principles can bring harmony, improve sleep and enhance positive energy in your home.

Feng Shui, literally translating as "wind and water", is a thousands-year-old practice originating in China. This practice is based on the belief that the way we arrange our living spaces can affect chi (energy) flow and thus our lives.

Is your bed in the ideal spot? Photo: Jaycees / Pexels

In Feng Shui, harmony between man and his environment is crucial. Where every element in the room, including furniture placement, colors and materials, plays an important role in creating a balanced home. The placement of the bed is particularly emphasized, as it is considered to be the bedroom is a place of regeneration and rest, so its regulation is key to good health and well-being.

The ideal position of the bed allows a view of the door without being directly in line with it, creating a sense of protection and control over the space. It means a “position of power” that allows a feeling of control and security.

Incorrect placement of the bed

how do you sleep Photo: Cottonbro studio / Pexels

Placing the bed under the window

Although looking out the window can be pleasant, Feng Shui advises against it. Do not place the bed directly under the window, as this creates a feeling of instability and interruption of support. Energy can "flow" out the window, leading to restlessness and exhaustion.

Bed in line with the door

This arrangement can lead to these "poison arrows", where the direct flow of energy into the bed disturbs peace and harmony. This can symbolically mean that problems and challenges are directed directly at the individual, leading to restlessness and ill health.

A bed between the door and the window

This arrangement can create an overpowering flow of energy (chi) that "blows" through the room, disrupting the calm and stable energy needed for good rest.

Tidy up the bedroom. Photo: Pixabay

Direct exposure to the bathroom door

A bed facing directly towards the bathroom door can lead to a loss of energy, as water symbolizes the draining of energy and can bring negative health effects.

Mirrors that reflect the bed

Mirrors that reflect the bed while you sleep can double energy and create restlessness, disrupting restful sleep.

Photo: envato

Placing the bed under beams or shelves

Heavy objects above the bed create a sense of pressure and threat, which can lead to anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Too close to the room entrance

A bed that is too close to the front door can bring a feeling of insecurity and disrupt the peace necessary for sleep, as it symbolizes excessive exposure to external energy.

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