
Are angel numbers following you everywhere? Don't let 666 scare you!

Photo: envato

Everywhere you look do you see 3 or four of the same numbers? Do you believe that at that very moment the universe is sending you a mysterious message?

Have you heard of angel numbers? Do you see them sometimes or often? If your answer is yes, then it's time to find out exactly what that means!

Angel numbers are a series of three or four numbers (333, 8888, 44:44). Each sequence has its own unique meaning. Whether you associate them with a higher power, a higher state of the sacred, the universe, God, they make sense.

It is for this reason that people often believe that the universe is showing them angel numbers to remind them that they are on the right path!

The meaning of numbers


The number zero represents wholeness, and zero is the only number in numerology that is both closed and wide open, representing a cycle. If you see the angel number 000, it can symbolize that something in your life has come full circle and completed its cycle. Perhaps a new beginning is near!?


In numerology, the number one is ruled by the Sun. The sun is a symbol of life - it is what allows us all to be on this planet. If the number one is constantly following you, it can be a sign that you are the initiator of new energy. 111 is also a sign that your intentions manifest very quickly, so pay attention to your thoughts, because things come true quickly.

Photo: Johnhain / Pixabay


222 is a common angel number that you see often; symbolizes balance and harmony. This number brings solutions to many things!


The angels are telling you that you need to make a decision about things you are in doubt about. No problem, your spirit guides are your biggest fans!


Love, protection and wholeness! If you are in a relationship, it means that your spirit guides support your relationship and want you to be happy, so stop stressing about it!


If you see this sequence often, it's time to focus on yourself. Discard the idea that people who are focused on themselves, their goals and desires are egoists. They didn't! They are dedicated only to themselves and it's time for you to become one too!


666 is an angel number that represents a change in focus. It tells you to free yourself from fear and seek balance between the spiritual and material worlds.

Luck is on your side. Photo: Andre Furtado / Unsplash


In numerology, seven is a number that represents deep spiritual wisdom. So 777 is a powerful angel number. This basically means that you are being guided at this moment and blessings are coming your way from the universe. It can even be a sign of good luck and it's time to take a chance!


It shows signs of material comfort; you are a person of power, credibility and influence. You don't need to go into too much detail because you are a person who can do anything and never give up!


The number nine means completion. It is the last single digit number in numerology and represents the energy of endings and beginnings. This number symbolizes transformation.

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