
Do you know how to drink coffee properly?

When to drink coffee for its better effect?

A cup of intoxicatingly fragrant coffee is the first thought in the morning for most people. But contrary to the belief that we cannot start the day without a dose of caffeine, we actually can, because the effects that you attribute to coffee are created by the body itself. Behind it all is the daily or circadian biological rhythm, our internal biological clock, which, among other things, takes care of the production of cortisol, the stress hormone that prepares the body for action and is directly related to stress and alertness. But you thought it was coffee and that you knew how to drink it. You have lived in error.

You knew that drinking coffee immediately after you get up has no effect on your body? The answer to the question of whether you know how to drink coffee properly is therefore, in all probability, 'no'. Thanks to genetics 24-hour hormonal cycle (it is regulated by sunlight and not so much by lifestyle) it is cortisol level- a hormone that makes us alert and responsive and gives us energy - the highest right between 8 and 9 in the morning. This means that your body already has a built-in natural mechanism to wake you up.

It's not caffeine, it's cortisol that wakes you up in the morning.
It's not caffeine, it's cortisol that wakes you up in the morning.

And if you think that coffee can help with this, research has shown that drinking coffee or energy drinks when cortisol is at its peak significantly it cancels out the effects of coffee like dramila. And what's worse, the body develops in the long run higher tolerance to its effects. For the same effect, you need larger amounts, which you can leads to addiction.

READ MORE: Coffee for the Gods - Coffee made from coffee and an ice cream sandwich

Save your morning coffee for after nine o'clock in the morning, and if you're an early bird, wait at least an hour before pouring it into your cup.
Save your morning coffee for after nine o'clock in the morning, and if you're an early bird, wait at least an hour before pouring it into your cup.

So when to drink coffee? It is best enjoyed during the period when cortisol levels are not at their peak. This is between 8 and 9 in the morning, between noon and one and honey 17:30 and 18:30 hour. So if you don't want to waste its positive effects, sip it between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m, and between other time slots. What if you get up very early? Then at least wait one hour before you indulge in it.

More about when to drink coffee:

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