
Do you know that anything you say can come true?

Photo: envato

Therefore, be careful what you say throughout life, because everything you say you want in the present will come true. We speak hundreds of words and sentences every day.

We understand conversations, especially intimate ones with friends and family, as part of life. We often don't need to control or watch what we say because the need to communicate is overwhelming.

Through it, we can express sadness or pain, and they temporarily disappear. However, we must know that the universe perceives the sentences we utter as commands.

You've heard that many times thoughts create reality. But words have much more power than thoughts, especially those spoken out loud.

Every thought is a vibration, because we are vibrational beings, we constantly vibrate with what we consciously and unconsciously think. Sometimes thoughts manifest, but very often we think of our desires but they don't actually manifest. The reason for this is that the universe needs sound to make wishes come true in the material world.

For manifestation, sound serves much better, because it is the one that connects the immaterial universe with the material one.

Your voice is the voice of the universe. Photo: BruceMars / Unsplash

Sound is one of the most important components of communication with the universe and manifestation.

Imagine your mind as a balloon in which all the thoughts and desires you have are collected. But the energy of everything you desire cannot be poured out of that balloon into your energy field to send vibrations out into the universe. In order for energy to enter your energy field, it needs a channel. This channel and one of the most important conditions for the manifestation of the desired is sound.

That's why it's important to make your wishes known. Form everything you want into a positive statement, composed in the present tense, as if it had already been realized. Say it out loud.

When your intention is big, it becomes strong, and then the universe will support you even more strongly in what you want.

The fact is that more or less good things happen to everyone in life and that we all go through events that are sometimes not exactly the way we want them to be. But if you express your displeasure by saying it, you are directly commanding the universe to manifest what you said.

Say whatever you want in one or more words - out loud!

Speak positive words. Photo: Nina Koepfer/Unsplash

Love, health, work, family, happiness, contentment, money, material resources - you can have it all if you say it out loud in the present tense.

I have love!
I am healthy.
I have a job.
I have money.
I have a house.
I'm a parent.
I am happy.

Let your imagination run wild and say it out loud!

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