
Do you know the difference between being loved and adapting to be loved?

The difference between "changing" and "growing together"!

Photo: Filipp Romanovski / Unsplash

Do you love and be loved? Are you adapting to be loved? Are you their priority or do you turn a blind eye and accept all their blows as if they were a sign of love? Do you even know the difference between being loved and adapting to be loved?

You will change over the years, you will no longer be the same as you were at the beginning of the relationship. You will evolve. You will change. You will transform into a better version of yourself. Don't stagnate or stay in your comfort zone. Let go of your stubbornness and grow – together!

Do you realize that there is a difference between growing up with your partner to grow old together and being forced to change just to please their demands?

Be with someone who loves you whole! Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

If your partner is bothered by some characteristic of yours, and it is only this characteristic that bothers you, try to eliminate this bad habit with their help. This will strengthen your relationship. This will show them that you care about their opinion. The change will benefit both you and your partner.

If your partner is unhappy with something you really like, and you feel it's unfair for them to criticize it, then you don't have to do what they want. You should not be pressured to change into another person. You shouldn't let them push you into a decision that makes you feel uncomfortable. You should not give them complete control over what you do in your life.

No matter what, in the end, every move you make is your decision. You control your destiny, your body, your mind.

In a relationship, never, ever give the other person complete power over you. Being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they say. They are still two separate people. You are still independent even though you are a team.

Your partner should encourage your growth and not give you ultimatums. Don't change your appearance or personality for them.

If they want to leave, let them leave. Or they may choose to talk openly with you about how they feel. But they can't ask you to change and become someone else.

Don't let them manipulate you. Photo: Esther Tuttle/Unsplash

And you shouldn't want that at all. The person you spend your life with should like your looks, your personality... They wouldn't want you to be completely different.

There is a big difference between someone who genuinely wants the best for you and someone who masks their manipulations with concern for your well-being.

The difference is between by gradually changing, when you grow with your person, and feelings, yes you have to change into someone completely different, just to stay by your side. No way, don't lose yourself.

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