
Do you do that too? These are the most common mistakes when wearing and cleaning protective masks!

Photo: Nick Bolton

The coronavirus pandemic has imposed a new "fashion accessory" on us - protective masks. And even though most of us wear them, many people still don't use them properly. The situation is no better when it comes to the hygiene of the masks themselves. This is also why we talk about the most common mistakes we make when wearing and cleaning masks.

Let's see! These are the most common mistakes when wearing and cleaning protective masks!

Before putting on or removing the mask, do not disinfect your hands, but wash them

Hands are a breeding ground for pathogens and if they are dirty, they will immediately contaminate the mask, regardless of the number of layers, composition or single use. The same applies when removing the mask. The best and safest way to clean your hands is thorough washing with soap and water! Therefore, where running water and hand soap are available, we always use them! Otherwise, we greatly increase the possibility of infection with the coronavirus.

Avoid touching the mask constantly

Photo: Arturo Ray

This is especially true of the central part of the mask, both inside and outside, because this is where most bacteria accumulate. If you already want to align the mask, adjust it by dragging the edges. In case this happens to you somewhere where soap and water are not available, always have hand sanitizer with you to clean your hands before and after setting the mask.

Don't overdo wearing the same mask

Photo: Filip Bunkens

Protective masks are not a small expense, if you wear one mask for longer than recommended, you negate its effectiveness. Surgical masks should not be used for more than four hours. You should also not wear other masks for longer than eight hours. Disposable surgical masks should then be discarded and reusable ones should be washed with hot water and soap. Disposable masks soaked in sweat or saliva should be thrown away before the recommended hours of wearing, as moisture has a beneficial effect on the growth of microorganisms.

The mask is not a bracelet, so don't wear it like that

Photo: Kate Trifo

Hands and elbows, on which we often have the opportunity to see masks, are hotbeds of bacteria, dust and even viruses. Do not hang the mask on your arm, as the latter can become contaminated very quickly.

Do not disinfect surgical masks in the sun

This does not turn out well at all... Masks are not for the washing machine!

Regardless of scientists' belief that the sun kills viruses, or at least makes them decay faster under the action of its heat, there is good reason that surgical masks should not be 'disinfected' in this way. The material from which they are made is destroyed under the action of the sun, so they are no longer effective and the virus passes more easily!

Do not remove the mask while talking on the phone, raining or coughing

You can also have a telephone conversation with a mask on your face, which avoids constant contact with dirty hands and their contamination. Do not remove the mask even if you have to sneeze or cough, as this increases the chance of viruses spreading to others.

Do not put the mask on a table or in a bag

Table surfaces and bag interiors can be contaminated with viruses and bacteria and can contaminate your mask. According to experts, the ideal way to store it is in a paper bag or a plastic container with a lid, which you must disinfect daily. It is not recommended to store them in plastic zip-top bags because they retain moisture, which promotes the development of pathogens.

Don't buy masks that don't fit you

In order for the mask to work effectively, it must fit perfectly on your face and cover the area from the nose without any gaps and also cover the chin completely. Special children's masks for the youngest must be appropriate for the child's age. If you are using surgical ones, pay attention to the metal strip in the upper part of the mask, which must be adjusted to the bridge of the nose in order for the mask to fit the face.

Do not disinfect surgical masks with disinfectant

Although disinfectants with at least 70% alcohol are supposed to deactivate the virus that causes COVID-19 when you disinfect your hands with them, this does not mean that they are also effective for disinfecting masks. Sprays, as well as colognes with a high alcohol content, can disinfect a surgical mask, but they are very likely to destroy the material from which it is made, since the latter is sensitive to alcohol.

Do not wash masks in cold water

If you use a fabric mask, you must wash it after each use. You will clean the mask most effectively by washing it in warm water with soap or detergent, so the washing machine will be great for this. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the fabric mask.

Masks are only the first line of defense

Photo: Colin D

Properly wearing masks and cleaning reusable masks doesn't make much sense if you don't follow other protective measures. Therefore, keep a safe distance from others, avoid gathering with more than 10 people indoors, wash your hands regularly and do not touch your nose, mouth or eyes. If you will be in a room with many people for a long time, open the windows to ventilate the room well.

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