
Do you often stand on the scale? Avoid these 3 most common mistakes

Photo: Alan KO/ Unsplash

When you decide to feel your best in your own skin, the first thing you will do is change your diet, exercise and pay attention to your scale.

For many, losing extra pounds is great motivation, but it can also be easy trap, as it destroys all motivation. That's why impatiently jumping on the scale every few hours will not bring you the information you want. Our body weight fluctuates throughout the day, so it's best to choose a specific time to check.


But regardless of when you decide to check your kilos, they exist the most common errors in weighing, which should be avoided.

In the evening your body is still quite busy digesting the food you ate during the day. The numbers on the scales can therefore be higher than, for example, in the morning. That is why experts are of the opinion that it is best to weigh in the morning, before the first meal.

If weigh with clothes, which you wore during the day, you can weigh a kilogram more on average. If possible, step on the scale without excess clothing.

Many do after exercise they want to "reward" by going to the scales and thinking that the numbers will make them happy. You may actually lose a kilo of water during this time, because you sweat during sports, so it is better not to do this, because the numbers on the scale in the morning can be completely different, which can take away your further motivation.


If the numbers on the scale stress you out, you can use a different weight check. Every week, put on the pants that were too tight for you at the beginning of your weight loss. This way you will see and feel very clearly what progress you have made.


It is necessary to realize that different people we lose weight differently, as we have diverse bodies. Even if you may have lost a few kilos compared to others, be happy proud of his victory and keep going. Above all, observe and listen to your body and enjoy it.

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