
Do you also wash this part of your body first when you shower?

Ancient cultures believed that the way our body functions represents our personality. This is supposed to show itself most clearly during washing. During this activity, we subconsciously prioritize certain parts of the body that we consider to be the most important.

This part of the body is supposed to be the most sacred for us. This is what the part of your body you wash first during the shower says about you:

The feet

The feet are supposed to be energy rich. The feet are a symbol of perfection and humility. People who wash this part of the body first are supposed to be very concerned about the rights of all living beings. They live in harmony with nature, and well-being is extremely important to them.


You probably think that washing your crotch has something to do with sex, but it doesn't. If you wash this part of the body first, it should be restrained and shy person. People take a long time to get to know you. He/she is also said to be very sensitive.


Those people who wash their hands or feet first should be in theirs personalities hid the characteristics of nomads. Limbs are what allow us to move around in space. Such persons should be appreciated carelessness and peace. You should also think a lot about mystical and distant places.

Which body part do you wash first?
Which body part do you wash first?


The chest represents the center of your body, as vital organs such as the heart and lungs are located there. You feel comfortable in your own skin. Should be a confident and independent person. Others describe you as alpha personality. You value life and are proud of yourself.

The back

Spine is a synonym for consciousness and energy. It is the pillar of life through which the nervous system passes, supporting our every thought and movement. If you wash this part of the body first, you are probably prudent. You think things through before you do them, and people have a hard time gaining your trust. You prefer solitude as companionship.


Hands are a symbol of physical and mental strength. If you wash this part of your body first, you are very solidarity and a single person. You are fearless. People either love you or hate you. You are a fatherbjective and realistic person, so you stand up for what you think is right.

Which body part do you wash first?
Which body part do you wash first?

The face

The face is the area where they are your senses – smell, sight, touch, taste and hearing. If you wash your face first, it means that you are always worried, how other people perceive you. You get angry very quickly, which causes you extra stress and an embarrassment. You can hardly take criticism.


Washing the armpit is said to be associated with loyalty and reliability. You always stand by your friends, even if doing so hurts you. Despite being friendly, you have your limits. When someone betrays you, you are done with them for the time being.

Neck and shoulders

You carry a heavy burden because you constantly wish you were competitive. If others reach for the clouds, you must too The moon. You don't settle for small. You are always ready to fight. "Hard work" is your motto.

The head

Head is synonymous with commanding. If you wash this part of the body first, it should be organizedstrong and reasonable person. You want everything to be as it should be. The quality you can boast about is your ability management.

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