
Doctors warn: 5 drinks and foods that cause dehydration of the body

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Are you interested in how to prevent dehydration in the summer heat? By taking adequate amounts of liquid. But not just any.

You want to prevent dehydration, which can lead to discomfort and even worse scenarios in the summer heat? While we often focus on getting enough water, it's just as important to avoid certain foods and drinks that contribute to dehydration.

#1 Alcohol

Alcohol is known for its "dehydrating" effect on the body. It acts as a diuretic, thus increasing the production of urine and causing fluid loss. This can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Additionally, alcohol can interfere with the body's ability to regulate internal water levels, further exacerbating the effects of dehydration. How to prevent dehydration? Control the amount of alcohol you consume and ensure that you drink enough water.

Photo: Unsplash/Dylan Alcock

#2 Caffeine

Although a cup of coffee or tea can provide a quick boost of energy, it is important to be aware of their dehydrating effect. Caffeine is also a diuretic. How to prevent dehydration on summer days, make sure you don't overdo it with caffeinated drinks. In addition, consider balancing your coffee intake with an appropriate amount of water.

#3 Foods with a high protein content

Diets high in protein can contribute to dehydration, especially if consumed in excess. Foods with a high protein content require additional water for digestion and metabolism. As your body processes protein, it creates waste products that must be excreted in urine, leading to increased water loss.

Photo: Unsplash/Fernando Andrade

#4 Sweetened beverages

Sugary drinks such as sodas and fruit juices not only pose a health risk due to their high sugar content, but can also contribute to dehydration. High sugar levels trigger an osmotic imbalance in the body, causing water to be drawn from the cells into the bloodstream. This can lead to increased thirst and decreased hydration levels.

#5 Fried food

Eating fried food may satisfy your taste buds, but it also affects your hydration levels. Fried foods are often salty and contain a lot of sodium, which can disrupt the body's fluid balance. Excessive sodium intake can lead to increased water retention and the need for additional fluids to restore balance, which can lead to dehydration.

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