
Doctors warn: No coffee in the morning? Unacceptable!

Photo: envato elements

Coffee, that magical drink, without which many cannot imagine the start of the day. If we believe the experts (and who wouldn't?), drinking coffee is not just a matter of taste, but of survival. Who would have thought that such a small mug could attract so much attention? But, of course, we are talking about coffee, not some ordinary drink.

In addition to waking us up, caffeine reduces the risk of everything from bad weather to messy drawers. But beware, it won't help you if you drink too much of it. As the old Slovenian saying goes: "Too much coffee, too many headaches, confusion and high blood pressure." Or something like that.

Is there a right way to drink coffee? Sure, there is. The right way is the one that allows you to avoid excessive hand tremors and unwanted insomnia. Experts recommend up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. But who counts milligrams anymore? Take your usual dose, add a pinch of courage and hope for the best.


How I make my morning coffee! No cuts, no funny business, just a pov voice over of me making coffee! #coffee #espresso #coffeeroutine #povs

♬ Aesthetic – Gaspar

The coffee is absolutely amazing. According to some studies (which no one verifies, because who would dare doubt it), caffeine reduces the risk of dementia and improves heart health. Drink coffee and become a superman! If you drink up to four cups a day, you will feel like a king of heart and mind. Coffee is rich in magnesium and potassium, which you need to get through the day without heart attacks and chaos.

But, of course, coffee also has its dark sides. Drinking too much can make you addicted. And no one wants to be addicted to coffee – unless, of course, it means you can enjoy its charms all day long. Besides, who needs sleep? Insomnia is for wimps.

Too much coffee can also cause rapid heartbeat, anxiety and insomnia. Although, hand to heart, isn't that better than boredom and a quiet life? The world is more beautiful when you are a bit nervous and haven't slept for days.


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♬ Unforgettable x Peru - switchdisco

Conclusion? Coffee is wonderful, amazing and absolutely necessary. Drink it in moderation - or not at all, who am I to judge you? Enjoy your cup morning, noon and night. Just remember: too much coffee can be harmful, but too much of a good thing is never really too much, right?

So, raise your cup – and another, and another. After all, who would want to live a boring life without coffee? Long live coffee, our everyday hero!

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