
Does he have genuine feelings for you or is he just having fun? His favorite pose reveals how he really feels about you!

Read him through his body language and demeanor.

You can infer a lot from the things he enjoys. Body language expert Jan Hargrave reveals how a man feels about a woman based on his favorite position for sex.

Bucket position is a position in which you both lie on your sides, the man is behind you. This way reveals a man who is constantly looking for confirmation of a woman's feelings. This position allows him special intimacy, which indicates that your man is a sensitive type.

If a man is behind a woman on all fours, he likes to dominate. He is an alpha male and does not want to open up too emotionally. Since there is no eye contact in this position, he feels safe. He may have self-esteem issues.

If a woman is on top, her satisfaction is also important to a man. If a man insists on this position, he does not want to try too hard, but leaves the game to you. Lack of ambition and motivation does not only apply to sex, but also to other parts of life. Such a man is used to being served by others. If he doesn't just stick to that position, but it's just one of many, it's just a playful fantasy.

A half hug is a sign that he is happy in the relationship. The position in which the woman lies on her stomach, and the man embraces her in a half-hug during sexual intercourse, is a sign that he is comfortable and that he is satisfied in the relationship.

If he pulls away from you after sex, he's afraid of commitment. If a man pulls away from you immediately after sex, it means he doesn't want a commitment. This position creates a safe distance, mentally and emotionally.

Lying on your side after sex reveals a possessive person. If after sex he lies next to you in a spooning position, i.e. on his side, the man is completely crazy about you, but also a bit possessive. In this position, he covers you, which indicates dominance. But if he wants to pamper himself, lie down with you behind him.

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