
Does the color of your car match your personality?

Like a fingerprint or a snowflake, we are all unique. We are made up of many small things that say a lot about who we are. We often think that our choices are completely random – we seem to like a certain dessert in question completely by accident, or that we just happen to like a certain breed of dog, or that we feel by far the most comfortable in a certain driving position.

While these things may seem meaningless at first glance, they actually reveal some very intimate things about who we really are. For example, did you know that the color of your car reveals your personality? In fact, it can act as a "psychological shortcut" that expresses our desire for how we want the world to view us. Although other factors such as trends, brands and models can influence the color we choose, we will always gravitate towards a certain color and this always says something very interesting about us.

Does the color of your car match your personality? Check.


Red or orange is often the color of choice for those who have an extraordinary zest for life. You like to be active, sometimes you can be aggressive, you are fun and impulsive - or you are someone who wants to become all of these. If your car is red or orange, you are most likely ambitious and determined to live your life to the fullest. You tend to be restless and extroverted, so you are sometimes surprised when someone points out one of your shortcomings. You are confident and usually all society and entertainment revolves around you.

The color orange expresses the joy of life.
The color orange expresses the joy of life.


When we think of black as a dress color, we often get the association of dinner parties, receptions in cocktail dresses, tuxedos. It is the color of luxury and sophistication. If your car is black, you are dignified without being flashy. You want to give the appearance of mystery, but you may want more depth in your life. You are timeless, important and always in control.


White is associated with honesty and purity. If your car is white, you have taste and elegance and strive for perfection, but sometimes you still long for a simpler life. You present a fresh, young, modern approach to the outside world. Many experts associate the color white with freshness and modernity.

White color expresses honesty and purity.
White color expresses honesty and purity.


If you own a gray car, then you know that there is a difference between gray and silver. Experts say: "Drivers of gray cars do not want to stand out." And between silver and gray, the latter is more inconspicuous. Gray car owners don't need (or want) to be as shiny as silver, but you show more dignity, tradition and maturity, because you don't care much about your status. Also, the color gray reflects caution and compromise. People who like the color gray, you want your life to go on steady tracks and not with a lot of ups and downs.


If you like a silver car, you are practical, innovative, business-savvy and have good taste. The neutral color hides almost all dirt on the car, which is perfect for your lifestyle. You most likely enjoy your job and have a tendency to work too much (or too hard). In contrast to the gray color, the silver car has a metallic sheen reminiscent of stainless steel appliances and modern technology, an indication of someone who is sophisticated. Basically, a classic color looks stylish – just like you. Experts agree: "The color silver shows that you are a real lady or a real gentleman, your status is higher and you are not afraid to show it."


If you have a blue car, this does not necessarily mean that you are sad ("to have the blues"). Blue cars act as a little piece of sunny sky on an otherwise gray and dreary highway or street. If you have a blue car, you are compassionate, optimistic, stable, honest and relaxed. You like to be admired by those around you for your strong sense of self and at the same time for your wisdom. Although the screaming style is sometimes questionable and unfamiliar to you, you are open enough to try to find something in common with someone with whom you would not even imagine it at the beginning.

The color blue expresses compassion, optimism, stability, honesty and relaxation.
The color blue expresses compassion, optimism, stability, honesty and relaxation.

Brown/beige/champagne color

If your car is brown, beige or champagne-colored, you are very "down-to-earth", thrifty and honest, but sometimes you say something that you should not (so to put it simply - you have too long a tongue). You prefer a car that will perform well (and for a long time, of course) rather than a luxurious, flashy car with a leather interior and fancy accessories. A person with a car of the mentioned colors simply enjoys life and does not pay much attention to the car. You could actually keep your car until it "squeaks".


If you have a green car, you have a very strong sense of self and don't care what others think of you. The popularity of green cars peaked in the 1990s, but now we see fewer and fewer of them on the road. You don't think it's necessary to follow trends, you actually live your life at your own pace. Zelena is also closely connected to nature, so you will be able to stop and enjoy the beautiful view many times, and you will also probably want to fill your car with more environmentally friendly fuel. You are gentle and patient, but your peacefulness is often used to their advantage.

Green color expresses tenderness and patience.
Green color expresses tenderness and patience.


Yellow and gold are the colors of joy and happiness. So if these are the colors of your car, you definitely live by the mantra: "Don't worry, be happy." You are imaginative, smart, have a good sense of humor and a great business mind. Are you young or young at heart. You like bright colors, trends attract you. You like small, bolder shapes and vibrant shades, so bright color doesn't seem risky to you.

What color is your car?

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