
IBM will teach artificial intelligence to think like a human

IBM will teach artificial intelligence to think like a human.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly present and (instead of us) already performs many tasks in various fields. Medicine uses it, they use it in art. UI has learned to mimic human traits. Well, we taught her. So what is the next step? Or to the side. Let's see how they think at IBM, because they are leaders in this field.

The majority machine learning systems uses a dataset for its solutions, which is limited and doesn't work exactly the way our brains do. We learn gradually, and our brain adapts to this way. We use when solving problems logical judgment, which is not a UI property. At IBM, we want to change that. Their DeepMind research team developed a synthetic neural network, which should UI enabled a rational way of thinking. Computer scientist from DeepMind Timothy Lillicrap he says that "they want to force the network to explore the relationships that arise when solving problems". One of the tasks presented to the system was to determine the difference in shape between an object placed in front of a blue object and a cyan object standing to the right of a metal sphere. As many as 96 percent of the answers were correct.

IBM's Watson helped create the video trailer for the movie Morgan some time ago. And this remarkable product was born.

Obviously, we don't dream about what scientists do in their labs, but as it turns out, it can be quite exciting in this field.

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