
Donald Trump was walking the streets of New York with the formula

Donald Trump used a formula to transport himself around New York.

President-elect Donald Trump usually gets around in a luxury limousine, but when he was in a hurry to get to the White House to speak with President Barack Obama, he was overjoyed to be met at the entrance by Mario Andretti instead of his regular formula driver, on Croatian-born American motorsports legend, and offered him an express ride to the president's residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

When it's Donald Trump, a future US president, delayed on meeting with Barack Obama at the White House, he was still kind of happy that he did in front of his New York skyscraper a retired Italian-American racer and former world champion in Formula 1 awaited Mario Andretti.

Donald Trump sat down right in the middle of New York.
Donald Trump sat down right in the middle of New York.

He drove up instead of in a limousine in a two-seater formula. Trump jumped into the 'passenger' seat of the rigged formula IndyCar and asked Andretti to tighten it up as quickly as possible presidential residences, as he is late.

READ MORE: Donald Trump in movies and TV series: all his acting roles

Mario Andretti recalled their Formula 1 drive after Trump's victory.
Mario Andretti recalled their Formula 1 drive after Trump's victory.

That's right on Twitter under the clip he remembered after Trump won the election, jokingly wrote Andretti himself. The event dates back to the year 2012, when Donald Trump was still around host of the entrepreneurial TV series The Apprentice (Apprentices). Fast transport in a modified formula of the IndyCar Championship actually got him to drive him into the American Museum of Natural History, where the show took place.

Trump used to be up for all kinds of 'stunts'. Among other things, he accepted the challenge Ice Bucket Challenge (sprinkling with ice water).

Gallery - Donald Trump walked the streets of New York in the formula:

Mario Andretti also seduced Lady Gaga with the IndyCar formula:

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