Scenes where your partner stares at the phone at dinner or in bed instead of devoting themselves to each other are nothing new. Almost all of us do this almost unconsciously. Because of this, among other things, our sex life also suffers. Durex wants to fix that. Therefore, he presented six couples with an interesting challenge. He took them to a paradise destination and asked one of the partners to give up technology (smartphone, laptop, tablet, camera...) on vacation. Check if their relationship has suffered even more now or if they have devoted more time to each other.
Who is in first place? Yours partner or phone? A brand of condoms Durex she decided on an interesting one a social experiment with a meaningful title #DoNotDisturb (Do not disturb). She invited six couples to a paradise vacation, but of course the vacation was not free. In fact, it was written in the fine print that one of the partners must to give up technology while on vacation, i.e. smartphone, laptop, tablet...
And what made Durex do this? Research has shown that couples while on vacation they spend more time on technology than on their better half, although 52 percent of couples expect better sex during this time.
READ MORE: Couples who indulged in cruel jokes at each other's expense
The purpose of the #DoNotDisturb campaign was to show that partners who are not distracted by technology, more loving, passionate and attentive. Was it really like that, or have we become incorrigible "technomantics"? Who do you pay more attention to?