
Don't abstain: if you don't have sex, this can happen to you

What can happen to you if you suddenly cut off sexual relations?

Every individual faces "dry periods" at least once in their life for various reasons, but if this abstinence is a proposition, it may it seriously affects your body and life.

Scientists have been researching celibacy for several years 600 nuns and they found that people who once had sex and now don't prone to depression and disappointment. It is different with people who have never had relationships - they have a completely different view of sexuality.

But abstinence does not only affect mental state, but also has effects on the body. Most influences are not good, but no thing will kill you.

What can happen if you abstain from sex?
What can happen if you abstain from sex?

This is what will happen if you stop having sex:

Effect on sexual organs

studies from 2008, scientists found that in men who stopped having sex, developed erectile dysfunction - namely, it is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, which consequently means that a man cannot have sex.

People believe that the vagina will shrink in the absence of sexual intercourse narrowed down. Experts say it is an urban myth. The hymen will not grow back either. Only the way can be changed to which the woman arouses.

Influence on thinking

It sounds incredible, but the lack of sexual relations can also affect your mental functions. Two studies from 2014 proved that regular sexual relations stimulate the production of neurons in the brain and thus improve their performance. A lack of sexual intercourse causes the exact opposite, which is most noticeable in old age, when the production of neurons is further reduced.

Effect on well-being

Those who say they can it puts the sexual relationship in a better mood, they are right. Scientists have proven that honey sex releases happy hormones, which increase the feeling of satisfaction that is similar to the feeling you get when you finish a workout. If you're going to be celibate for a long time, it's entirely possible that you'll feel cramped, stressed or even depressed, experts say.

Where are the benefits of abstinence?
Where are the benefits of abstinence?

Although abstinence has its disadvantages, there are also some positives. Let's see which ones.

  • You don't have to worry about getting pregnant. Even if there is contraception, the only 100 % reliable protection is abstinence.
  • You get to know your body in a different light. Some people find it difficult to focus on their pleasure during sex, so self-pleasure can be beneficial. You can learn what suits you, what you are afraid of and thus improve your sex life.
  • Abstinence can be a time to get to know your personality, building self-confidence and self-love. It will probably happen that you will feel the need to have sex, but later you will see that the knowledge you gained during celibacy can benefit you in all subsequent relationships.

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