
Do not allow your phone to overheat: this may cause permanent damage to the device

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With the arrival of summer, smartphones find themselves increasingly exposed to the sun's rays and high temperatures, which can cause the phone to overheat. However, this seemingly harmless problem can turn out to be a serious problem that can lead to device damage and high repair costs.

What to do if the phone overheats?

Summer is in full swing, which means that we spend more and more time in the places where we are directly exposed to the sun, and as a result phones are increasingly exposed to overheating.

Overheating phone can turn out to be relatively harmless in most cases, as sometimes it is enough to remove it from direct sunlight and carry on as if nothing had happened. However, overheating is not something you want as it can cause performance problems and even permanent ones injuries smartphone, which can lead to repair costs or even the purchase of a new device.

To prevent your smartphone from overheating, you must accept certain measures.

Here are some tips on how to achieve this:

Do not expose it to direct sunlight

As mentioned earlier, exposing your phone to direct sunlight is one of the main causes of overheating. High summer temperatures can cause your phone to heat up to dangerous levels, so make sure you keep it in the shade whenever possible. If you are outdoors and can't find shade, consider using special protective covers that can help reduce the impact of the sun's rays.

Watch your phone. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Do not leave your phone in a closed vehicle

The temperature inside a closed vehicle can rise rapidly when exposed to sunlight. This can cause your phone to overheat, which can damage its internal components. Never leave your phone in the car, especially in the sun.

Avoid using demanding applications while charging

The phone may also overheat while charging, so avoid intensive tasks such as demanding games or other applications that strain the processor and battery. If you absolutely need to charge your phone, try to only use it for basic tasks like browsing the web or sending messages.

Update applications and operating system

Check regularly for updates to your apps and operating system. Manufacturers often release updates that fix potential bugs or issues that could cause the phone to overheat. The updates also bring optimizations that can improve phone performance and reduce battery drain.

Use original chargers

Use only original chargers provided by your phone manufacturers. Unverified or non-genuine chargers can cause problems including overheating and can even cause permanent damage to the battery.

Clean your phone

Clean your phone regularly to remove dust, dirt and any oil and grease residue that may build up on the phone's casing. Dirt build-up can interfere with proper heat dissipation, which can cause overheating.

Turn off unnecessary features

If you notice that your phone is overheating, turn off unnecessary features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS or synchronization, as these features can increase power consumption and cause overheating. Also, turn off features you don't use regularly to reduce the load on your phone.

How do you charge it? Photo: Stanley / Pexels

Correct handling during charging

When charging your phone, make sure it has enough room for air to circulate. Do not cover the phone with a blanket or pillow, as this may cause it to overheat. Also, don't use your phone while charging except for basic tasks.

Use cooling aids

There are special cooling accessories, such as cooling stands or fans, that can help keep the phone's temperature at an acceptable level while in use or charging.

If you still notice that your phone is overheating or has performance issues despite the measures taken, turn it off and let it cool down before using it again.

If the overheating problem persists, it is recommended that you contact an authorized service center.

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