
Don't be afraid: 5 reasons why sometimes you have to write to him first

Photo: envato

We've all been in a situation where we wanted to get in touch with someone, but were intimidated by the thought of writing to them first. It's true that starting a conversation and showing someone that you're interested isn't easy, but we assure you that you won't regret it and that you won't come off as desperate. We have prepared for you 5 reasons why sometimes you have to take the role of the one who writes the message first.

1. You will avoid nervous waiting

You met someone who awakened you emotions and interest, and now you spend hours at nervous waiting to his message? Although it may be at the beginning exciting, it usually doesn't take long before the wait it's not pleasant anymore.
In such a case, it is best to take courage and the chosen one write a message: you can simply ask, how are you, you can ask him for his interests… The possibilities are endless and if you are worried about dropping out desperate or too much impatient, we assure you that this will not happen. If a person feels the same, will be announced without a doubt made me happy.

Courage can save you from nervous waiting Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

2. He might just be shy

If there is no message from his side and there is no, maybe you are gave up and accepted the fact that not interested. However, this not necessarily true: you must not forget that men can be too shy and yes to them too it's not easy take the first step.
Maybe your chosen one at all he didn't notice of your interest and is convinced that you anyway I wouldn't be interested. Therefore, no way don't wait and let him know that you are in his company enjoyed.

3. Confidence is attractive

The first step is a good decision also because most men agree that it is self-confidence exceptionally attractive. If you don't believe it, just ask yours male friends: they will ensure that you make the first move by the girl cheered up.
That's right, yes muster up the courage and you take fate into your hands: it is life too short, to opportunities let them pass you by.

Confidence is extremely attractive Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

4. You will not harbor false hopes

Sometimes it happens that we feel like we are with someone caught perfectly, and he alas don't think alike. Such knowledge indeed it's not pleasant, but it belongs to parts of life experience and it is by no means considered something that you should rub completely.
It would be a shame to cherished hopes for the love that it won't come out and that's why it's important to talk about your crush's feelings convince as soon as possible. If you don't, you just might too busy with false hopes of spotting someone who is more compatible with you.

5. You will make progress in the area of self-confidence

As for other skills, also for self-confidence it is considered that you will best strengthen it with experiences and exercise.
Even if your attempt will not be successful, you will find that making the first move is not right nothing terrible, which you can extremely in the future benefits. And not only on in the field of love: confidence will also help you on workplace, among friends, when you start new challenges… Life becomes much easier if fear of rejection we don't let it kill us held back.

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