
Don't be that person: 3+ traits about you that make people nervous

Don't be that person: 3+ traits about you that make people nervous

Each eye has its own painter. This applies both in the field of romantic relationships and in the field of casual acquaintances and friendships. Some people smell good to us, but others don't. A person can immediately make a good impression on us, but our friend finds them disgusting. Although it is difficult to put a finger on which traits are unpopular with everyone, we know that some traits can get on the nerves of those around them.

Excessive helpfulness: Kindness, altruistic behavior and willingness to help others are qualities that are valuable in any context. Excessive helpfulness often masks motives other than a mere desire to help - then others often wonder what is the hidden agenda that we will one day demand in exchange for help. 
Praise: Bragging about who we know and who we hang out with has a very negative effect on our relationships with others. We all like to brag here and there, and that's human, but exaggeration makes the other person feel like they're not important for anything other than listening to us. 

Rejecting compliments can become embarrassing.
Rejecting compliments can become embarrassing.

Illiteracy: Illiteracy in no way says anything inherently bad about a person, but it can get on certain people's nerves quite a bit.
Rejecting compliments: People who criticize themselves all the time can be a burden to those around them. At that time, others have to make sure that these people feel good and shower them with compliments, which rarely fall on fertile ground. 

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