
Don't rush into the wrong relationship for the wrong reasons

Photo: Anna Tarazevich / Pexels

Don't rush into the wrong relationship because you're lonely. It is much better to be single than to be with the wrong person. Maybe you feel safe and comfortable knowing you're not alone, that you have someone out there somewhere to hang out with and text when you're bored.

But you'll still feel lonely even if you're in the same room together—and that's a lot worse than being alone.

Don't rush into the wrong relationship because you care, that all your friends will get married before you. It doesn't matter if someone of the same age is already married and has a house and kids, it doesn't mean you have to experience the same milestones at the same time.

Everyone reaches different stages at different times in their lives, so you shouldn't feel pressured to follow in other people's footsteps. You have to make your own way. Don't believe everything you see on social media, everyone is happy there. You may be happier than them. They might even be jealous of you.

Don't rush into the wrong relationship because you feel like it boredom and you want to make a little change in your life. You may think your heart can't fall in love anymore, but you can break someone else's heart too.

And knowing what it's like to be with someone you thought loved you, you don't want someone else to experience that kind of pain. You don't want to be the reason they give up on love. Flirt and go on casual dates and have fun, but don't get into a committed relationship if you're not serious, if you're not in love.

Be with someone who truly loves you. Photo: Cassie Lopez/Unsplash

Don't rush into the wrong relationship because you're worried you won't never find someone willing to put up with your imperfection.

Don't be with someone you don't feel good around just because you're sure no one else will love you.

Your insecurity pushes you into wrong decisions and wrong relationships. Don't settle for less than you deserve.

If you don't feel good around someone, don't be with him/her. Sooner or later someone else will come into your life. Someone who will see your worth!

You will meet the wrong people in life and there is nothing wrong with that. You will learn more with each relationship. With every pain you will grow.

But you should never rush into the wrong relationship for the wrong reasons. Don't rush into the first relationship you find because you don't want to be alone. There is nothing wrong with being single for a while. In fact, it is good to be able to that time focus on yourself.

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