
Don't tell me to be someone else

Don't tell me to quit.

Tell me to dare more, to dream bigger dreams, to take risks. Let me find new ways and tell me to fly with my dreams.

Don't tell me the love I'm looking for doesn't exist.
Don't tell me the love I'm looking for doesn't exist.

Tell me that he is somewhere and that he is waiting for me to fall in love with me. Tell me that everything will be as I drew it. Don't ever tell me to settle for someone else and be a hopeless romantic. You better tell me he exists.

Don't tell me to be quiet. Tell me to speak up, to raise my voice and stand up for myself and those who love me. Tell me to use my voice instead of silencing it. Tell me to tell everything before it's too late and to always tell people what they mean to me.

Don't tell me to stay when I feel like I don't belong, I don't belong in that moment. And tell me to go when I feel it's time to go.

Don't tell me my dreams are stupid. Tell me that they are different, that they are unique, that I can make a difference with them and that I will make them happen. Tell me that everyone is born for someone or something extraordinary and tell me that people are destined to love.

Never tell me to give up, to give up. Tell me to keep fighting. To keep going and not give up when I fail and try again. Tell me to pick myself up when I fall and keep going for my dreams because that's the only way I can get there.

Tell me to pick myself up when I fall and keep going for my dreams because that's the only way I can get there.
Tell me to pick myself up when I fall and keep going for my dreams because that's the only way I can get there.

Tell me to let new people into my life and learn from them, listen to their stories and tell me to see only the best in them - the things they can't see themselves.
Tell me that everyone I meet in life has a purpose. Tell me to take the lessons and learn from them.

Don't tell me to follow my mind instead of my heart. Tell me to listen to them, to understand them, and that sometimes they are wrong. But don't ever tell me to just follow one and ignore the other. Should I ignore the most important parts of me? Tell me there's nothing wrong with letting go and falling recklessly in love—with him.

Don't tell me to live a mediocre life. Tell me to live a life full of mistakes, lessons, adventures, changes and miracles. Tell me that life will bring me him.

Tell me to create the life I want and never forget my dreams. Tell me I'm the best the way I am—imperfectly perfect—for me and for him.

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.