
Double: robotic telepresence is a new form of remote work

Robot Double for "physical" telepresence

Thanks to computers, the Internet and telepresence, more and more people today can work remotely. This offers many advantages for both the employee and the employer. But physical presence at the workplace also has its benefits. That's why a double robot called Double was created, which enables our presence in the office, even though we are actually at home. And so we are not deprived of any chat over coffee.

Telepresence is synonymous with teleconferencing, but if you've ever watched the comedy series The Big Bang Theory, you know that there is another form of telepresence when you can physically present at work, even though you are actually at home. We have a special robot to thank for that Double brands Double Robotics, which is basically ours double, and we manage it remotely with a computer.

Such colleagues will have to get used to in the future.
Such colleagues will have to get used to in the future.

The best part is that this kind of technology is already available. Robot Double is already yours for (calculated) 2355 euros. With him, you won't miss any chat, no chat, and no one will be able to talk about you behind your back, because you will always be there, even though you won't actually be there. Well, at least until someone shuts you down.

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How the thing works in practice, see in the clip below:


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