
The double standards of our society through illustrations

The double standards of our society through illustrations

Our society celebrates the achievements in the field of equal treatment, but there is really a lot more to be done in order to be able to call ourselves open, without prejudices and stereotypes. Double standards are part of our society and the proof is right before your eyes.

It's equality the foundation of every democratic society, but we will have to do a lot more before we fully utilize everything that belongs to us within the framework of this human right. Of course, our company did developed for the better in recent years, but there are still many double standards in the atmosphere which they divide people.

The most obvious double standards come from gender equality - starting with the differences between men and women when it comes to the way of thinking, living, dressing... In the gallery we have collected illustrations by artists, who use their works to highlight the problem of inequality and warn us, how rigid our minds are, when it comes to recognizing such situations in real life.

Gallery: Society's double standards

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