
Doxie Go: a portable optical reader or scanner that will save you paper

Doxie Go

At a time when we are trying to digitize everything, classic optical readers or scanners that you have to connect to a computer are a very outdated concept. The Doxie Go is one that you can easily carry from office to office, and when you need it outside of the office, it can easily fit into any average bag. An excellent partner for a paperless future.

Basic information
Doxie Go
The price
161 €

Doxie Go it is therefore a scanner that has its own battery, so it is "wireless" and thus the most practical. More. Not only does it require no electrical connection, it requires no wires computer, as it stores the scan in its memory, which then synchronizes it wirelessly with all your devices. Of course, it can also store in the cloud, on all popular "cloud" platforms (Dropbox, Google Drive).

Small enough to easily fit in any drawer, bag or backpack, it will help you take steps towards a paperless future.

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