
Dramatic development over the next 20 years, as seen by Mercedes executives

The leading people of the world's leading brands have something in common. A 'good nose' as we like to say. That is also why they are in these places, because without feeling, instinct or that sixth sense for the future, they would not be as successful as they are. Dieter Zetsche, CEO of Mercedes-Benz, recently offered his vision for the next 20 years in an interview. Let's see what he had to say.

dr. Zetsche begins in the United States of America. It should be there the profession of lawyer slowly died out. Computer system IBM Watson he is so precise when answering basic legal questions that no one can match him. Even at diagnosing cancers a computer is already more accurate than a human.

Our children they will no longer need a driving test or even a car. The world will soon be flooded with self-driving vehicles and driving will become anything but driving in the classic (current) sense of the word anymore. This will lead to infrastructural changes in cities, as the number of cars will decrease by 90-95 percent. We will thus be able to turn parking lots into green parks. Also road safety will because of this drastically improved, which means that it will had to completely change the insurance market. Most of the current car manufacturers will go out of business. Future in the automotive industry they have Apple, Tesla and Google.

In a few years we will also have access to of the Tricoder X system, through which we will be able to monitor our health status. The system will be capable analyze 54 biomarkers and thus identify practically any disease.

3D printing has become so affordable and technically sophisticated that it will largely take over certain industries within a few years. For example, you will be able to make a 3D scan of your foot with your mobile phone and make a shoe right at home.

The future as seen by dr. Zetsche, she can be scary. But it can be exciting. How do you experience it?

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