
Dream man: this is how you will recognize the perfect man

Photo: envato

Every woman wants a dream man in her life - a man of values. Someone who enjoys their company and simply loves them. And what is a dream man, a man of values?

It is self-sufficient. Independent and looking for a partner with the same qualities. He is a person of high worth and is financially, physically, mentally and emotionally independent.

He is someone who has a lot of success in his professional life and is also successful in the dating world. He is attractive, confident and knows how to treat a woman so that she feels beautiful and worthy around him.

A few more qualities of such a man

1. It is positive

Have you noticed that you notice people who laugh more than people who frown? A man of values, he enjoys being with you and everything seems so simple with him. He is grateful for everything, especially you. He has a positive outlook on life and even the darkest situations do not upset him. This is because he believes that life is good.

2. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence varies from person to person and consists of, but is not limited to, the following traits: self-awareness, social awareness, and self and relationship management. All these qualities are extremely important in a man's life, these qualities make him who he is.


3. It's powered up

Purpose easily guides him through life. He is driven by success, family or personal growth. He has found his purpose in life and is not afraid to show it or say it.

4. High self-esteem

This does not mean that he is an egoist! Self-esteem means standing up for yourself, knowing what you want, and having a positive attitude. He works on himself and is self-sufficient, never depending on someone else to boost his self-esteem.


5. Commitment

He wants a stable and direct relationship. This is an emotionally mature man. His attachment style is secure, meaning he is comfortable being intimate and vulnerable. This means he will act like an adult, unlike most men who act like five year olds.

6. Stand by your words

He has a good self-esteem. He knows his priorities and is not afraid to protect them. No one else can influence these core values ​​that he lives by. Neither do you.


7. He knows what he wants

It can be children, marriage, a new career, a better job, own business, etc. He will get anything he sets his mind to. Such men are known for their hard work.

8. Understanding

If there is no mutual understanding, there is no relationship. He tries to be the best version of himself. He understands the reasons for your actions and even though he may not agree with them, he still supports you.

9. Respect

Relationships are built on trust and respect. He takes your opinion into account, even if it contradicts his.


10. They don't play games

To know what his intentions are. He leaves no question unanswered and is absolutely clear about his intentions. He will definitely tell you if he wants to be with you or not.

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