
Drive the tire of the future! / My First Electric Car / MPEA / S1E7

This is the tire of the future

Photo: Jan Macarol

I am proud that I was one of the first in the world to drive a non-pneumatic Goodyear tire of the future and was part of the "Beyond tires" event, where I learned what the smart tires of the future will be able to do.

I visited Luxemburg and learned about the future and drove a tire that we will most likely see on our vehicles in the future. And learned a lot.

LEAS – Owners of electric cars in Slovenia

Are you a new electric car owner?! Are you tempted or just interested in e-mobility? Thinking of buying a new electric car? Then join the LEAS FB group and read and share information about e-mobility. Together we are creating the largest community of electric car owners!


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Supporters of the "My first electric car" project
Goodyear, T2, evpolnilnice.si, City Magazine Slovenia

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