Nadebudne kuharice in kuharji, ljubitelji marmelade in zdrave, domače hrane, vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na sladkih in zabavnih Marmeladnicah. To so posebne delavnice, kjer se lahko ...
Aspiring cooks, lovers of jam and healthy, homemade food, we invite you to join us at sweet and fun Marmeladnica. These are special workshops where you can quickly and easily learn how to make real home-made jam or simply treat yourself to delicious home-made jams. A stand-up comedian, actress and TV presenter will cook and entertain us at all events Ana Marija Mitic.
Because we know that there is no healthier jam than homemade jam, we urge you to sweeten yourself and your loved ones every day. Experiment with seasonal fruits and with help Wiener Zucker jelly sugar cook your favorite homemade jam in just 10 minutes! If you entrust us with your sweetest jam flavor, you can also participate in raffle »Every occasion can be sweet", which brings sweet rewards. The prize coupon, which is a condition for participation in the prize draw, can be obtained from individual Marmeladnica stores and in the Jana magazine.
Wiener Zucker is an Austrian sugar specialist, which also includes a very special sugar in its offer, intended for the preparation of homemade jam - Wiener Zucker jelly sugar.
Sladkajte se z nami na Marmeladnicah, in sicer:
· v soboto, 18. junija, ob 9.00 na osrednji Ljubljanski tržnici,
· v soboto, 2. julija, ob 9.00 na tržnici BTC City v Ljubljani.